How to use the temperature probe for the hot air rework system (No.C1541)
The Temperature Probe for Hot Air Rework System (No.C1541) is equipped with 2 types of sensors. Before measuring temperatures as follows, connect the sensor to the thermometer.
Rework can be performed without causing damage to the parts being reworked (QFP, etc.)
HAKKO FR-811 includes thermocouple (Part number B5128) as an accessory.
Using the thermocouple with HAKKO FR-811 and computer, it is possible to confirm the actual temperature. Please refer to HAKKO FR-811.FR-811
How to measure the temperature of hot air
- Sensor A -
Bent the end of sensor A as illustrated, and insert into the temperature probe. * Insert the sensor A in such a way that a red mark of the sensor foot aligns with a red mark on the temperature probe.
Remove the tip-temperature measuring sensor from the measuring device, and connect the terminals of the temperature probe to the device matching the terminal colors. (red to red, blue to blue)
Place the sensor A to the point 1 to 2mm away from the hot air nozzle, and measure the hot air temperature.
Make sure that only the sensor A is exposed to hot air, or measured temperature may not be correct.
Measuring temperature by using iron holder
Measuring temperature by using fixture
Measuring temperature of pre-heater
How to measure the temperature of workpiece
- Sensor B -
Remove the tip-temperature measuring sensor from the measuring device, and connect the terminals of the Sensor B to the device matching the terminal colors. (red to red, blue to blue)
Attach the end of Sensor B to the section of the workpiece to be reworked using thermoset adhesive or a Kapton tape. Attach the other side of Sensor B to the thermometer.
( image of FG-100 discontinued )
Measure the temperature of workpiece by hot air or preheater